Jan 21, 2019
Karen Aaro, co-chair and Joe Carnley and Jack Morey of SunTrust Investment Services announce the $ 50,000.00 SenioRITAs at Sawgrass Cancer Endowment in Honor of SunTrust Investment Services ….long time Title Sponsor of the Kick-Off Party at Pusser’s...
Jan 21, 2019
Karen Aaro, co-chair and Garry Redig, COO, Fields Auto Group announce the $ 50,000.00 SenioRITAs at Sawgrass Cancer Endowment in Honor of Fields Auto Group., Title Sponsor of the SenioRITAs at Sawgrass Women’s Tennis Tournament.
Jan 21, 2019
The SenioRITAs at Sawgrass Committee, Sponsors, and Guests present $ 46,425.00 to Baptist Health. The net result for 2018 was $ 155,000.00 after all event expenses, was a new record. These proceeds were distributed as follows; Baptist Beaches received $ 46,425.00. ...