The SenioRITAs at Sawgrass Committee, Sponsors, and Guests present $ 46,425.00 to Baptist Health.
The net result for 2018 was $ 155,000.00 after all event expenses, was a new record. These proceeds were distributed as follows;
Baptist Beaches received $ 46,425.00. This grant enabled us to fully fund two new Cancer Endowments at $ 25,000.00 each. Both were matched by Baptist, bringing each total to $ 50,000.00. With the Baptist matching funds of $ 54,500.00, our total became $ 100,925.00. The RITA Foundation has 7 SenioRITAs at Sawgrass Cancer Endowments at Baptist Health totaling over $ 550,000.00.
The Mayo Clinic Jacksonville received $ 108,800.00. Dr. Al Copland and his lab were granted $ 45,000.00 to help in their NNN breast cancer research. $ 4,800.00 was added to The RITA Foundation’s Cancer Research Endowment and $ 59,000.00 was added to our new SenioRITAs at Sawgrass Cancer Endowment.
Please note our $ 155,000 net and $ 54,500 in matching funds made an impact of $209,500.00! We look forward to achieving even better results in 2019, our Twentieth Anniversary Year. With your continued help and support, we will be able to again make significant contributions….all here in Jacksonville, all without any salaries, and, yes, continuing to donate 100% of the net proceeds from our events.
A Happy and Healthy New Year wish to all.
Karen Aaro and Chuck Jantz, event co-chairs