Feb 23, 2023
The SenioRITAs at Sawgrass committee and key Sponsors present $52,500.00 to Dr. Al Copland and his cancer lab at Mayo Clinic. RITA has supported Dr. Copland for 13 years as he has worked to develop a cure for NNN breast cancer. Clinical trials are to begin next...
Jan 11, 2023
VIDEO BELOW! The RITA Foundation was awarded the Edward A. Turville President’s Award for 2022 by the United States Tennis Association Florida Sectionat their annual Awards Ceremony in Orlando, Florida on November 12, 2022. The award was accepted by Chuck Jantz,...
Aug 29, 2022
One of our proudest moments… fulfilling a 5-year pledge to the Baptist MD Anderson/First Coast News Buddy Bus 3 years early! Jason Simpson (BMDA), Lisa Dalziel, Mary Faulconer, Joan Grune, Lorrayne Carless, Chuck Jantz, Sherill Herzfeld, Gary Herzfeld, Derek...
Nov 18, 2021
Thank you to all our loyal and generous SenioRITAs participants! The 2021 breast cancer tennis tournament, Auction Party, Pussers Party, and donations raised a total of $240,000. Over the course of 22 years we have raised $2.2 million for the cause. With your help, we...
Oct 7, 2021
The RITA Championships committee met at the new Baptist Medical Center Clay to present the check for $ 25,000.00 to Hospital President Darin Roark in September 2021. This amount represented the net proceeds from the 2021 RITA Championships event held at Club...
Jan 15, 2021
In early 2020, Baptist M D Anderson and First Coast News ( Buddy Check 12 ) asked The RITA Foundation to financially support funding for a $ 1,000,000.00 mobile mammography bus to offer state-of-the-art 3D screening mammography to the community. The RITA...