RITA CASH – Research Is the Answer Caring and Sharing Hope

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Saturday, January 25, 2025
6:30-7:30am Bib/timing chip pick up
8:00am Race Start

Nocatee, Florida
Nocatee Station Field (near the swimming complex)

  • 5k Run
  • One-mile Fun-Run
  • Virtual Race (for out-of-town friends)

The course is a single loop, primarily on safe, wide bike/cart paths.

MEDALS are given to all 5k finishers as they cross the finish line on race day

5k Early Entry Fee: $30 until midnight Jan 16, 2025 and includes a shirt.

Late Entry Fee: $35 until 5pm on January 23, 2025, when online registration closes. LATE ENTRY DOES NOT INCLUDE A SHIRT

Race Day Entry Fee: $40cash or check only. Does not include a shirt.

Virtual 5K Entry Fee: same as the above. Shirt and medal may be shipped for an additional $10.

One Mile Run/Walk entry fee is $20 Early and $25 late entry.
Does not include a shirt. One Mile entrant may purchase a shirt for $10.

Ponte Vedra, Florida
Official Race Sponsor

Team Awards

  • Most Participants
  • Most money raised
  • Team Challenge
    (Baptist South vs Baptist Beaches vs Baptist MD Anderson)

15 K ( $ 15,000 raised ) 11 x 14 plaque
10 K ( $10,000 raised ) 8 x 10 plaque
5 K ( $ 5,000 raised ) 5 x 7 plaque

Kickoff Starts In:








Sign up for Mammograms “Buddy Bus”
RITA 5K Race
Nocatee Station Field
Jan 25, 2025
7:30-10:00 am appts

Title Sponsor

5k Presenting Sponsor

Fun-Run Presenting Sponsor

The Carnley, Griffis and Burgin Group

Awards Sponsor

Tom Bush Dealership Logo

Water Station Sponsor

Teri Trotta and Terri Allison

January 13, 2024